Friday, March 20, 2020

Most Common FAQS about the COVID-19

When the first case of COVID-19 arrived in Wuhan, China nobody thought that it will spark alarm and create lockdown situations across the globe. Fast forward three months- COVID-19 has claimed more than seven thousand lives and infected around 182000 worldwide. This epidemic outbreak has given more wind to the myths, question and misguiding information about the corona. As people are miserably failing to differentiate between the authentic and unauthentic piece of information, it has created panic among the general public. That’s why Healthy naturals have decided to come up with this FAQ post to suppress the panic by providing the right answers to the common corona related questions.

FAQs about the Coronavirus

CoronaVirus FAQs

How corona spread?

The COVID-19 virus spread when a healthy person breathe in droplets that are produced by the infected person when he or she sneezes or coughs. Also, any infected person with and without symptoms can spread the virus by touching any surface. The virus of coronavirus can survive on the surface for more than 4 hours and can be spread if someone else touches it and then their mouth, nose or eyes. Therefore, it is necessary to avoid touching the public surfaces or even if you touched sanitize your hands immediately.

What is social distancing? Why it is important?

Social distancing refers to the specific actions taken to slow down the spread of life-threatening diseases. In simple words, it refers to maintaining distance (6 feet or more) between you and another person to avoid any infection or disease. School closures, work from home, lockdown, self-quarantine contribute to the social distancing. This helps in slowing down the spread for both overwhelmed hospitals that can lead to a larger number of critically ill patients getting this virus.

Must Read: How to Balance Your Diet During Critical Time of COVID-19

One of the symptoms of COVID-19 is shortness of breath, what does it mean?

Yes, shortness of breath that refers to the unexpectedly feeling out of breath is one of the main symptoms of the COVID-19. But it doesn’t mean that you are suffering from Corona. There are various examples of temporary shortness of breath that is not worrisome and often go away when you calm down.
However, if you notice that you or your loved one is having breathing trouble then, it is time to exert yourself and call for a physician. Meanwhile, it is also important to understand that if you are witnessing the shortness of breath as the only symptom then, COVID-19 is less likely a problem.

Should I get a flu shot for COVID-19? 

No, a flu shot cannot protect you from the COVID-19 virus but it is still a good idea to get it to protect your body from the seasonal flu. Even if the shot doesn’t tackle the down the flu completely it will decrease the chances of severe symptoms. But again, it will not protect you from the corona.

Why it is so difficult to come up with the treatment for COVID-19?

In this era of digitization where technologies are leading our lives, it has become challenging to come up with a cure for the Corona. Dozens of drugs are being tested around the world to come up with the right solution for Coronavirus which is 10 times lethal than seasonal flu. The reason why it is difficult to come up with the cure is that viruses are smaller than bacteria and unlike other germs, they cannot be killed by antibiotics. This is because viruses don’t simply reproduce they invade, and hijack the host’s machinery to make copies of themselves. In addition, they replicate our cells, which means they have a similar mechanism to our cells. Hence, it is difficult to find drugs that only target the viruses without damaging the cells.
In the end, strengthening your immune system and washing your hands regularly is the only thing you can do to prevent the COVID-19. Stay healthy, Stay safe!

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